instagram.com/p/Bb7WxoPAvb1/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="12" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);">
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT Hi estate agents.point 264 |
ADVERTISEMENT I’m writing to you confirming the end of my tenancy agreement.point 52 | I’ve found somewhere new to live.point 80 | If this gets lost in the post, please return to the ballpit of dreams ? NO BUT SERIOUSLY WHO’S MOVING IN WITH ME?! ??♀️ When I first started Instagram I shared my favourite C•Krets (Cee-Krets like secrets but just wanted to get my initials in somehow!) I have lists & lists of my little discoveries around the world & my London list is ever growing.point 374 |
ADVERTISEMENT I haven’t posted one in aaaaages so here’s one for you all, definitely not paid to say this but I just need you to go & experience the joy.point 115 |
ADVERTISEMENT Ballie ballerson is life changing.point 30 | You’re 5 year old self will take over & you’ll feel like you’re back in rough & tumble discovering what being eaten alive by plastic balls feels like.point 161 |
ADVERTISEMENT Tag a friend you want to take here & go PLAY ?? @samanthaclinch @brontekingg @jennyrose05 @taliajanson TOP TIP FROM US: Press print 7 million times ?point 128 | 1
ADVERTISEMENT A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on
View this post on Instagram??|?? Left photo: Favourited out of the 8 taken & posted.point 344 |
ADVERTISEMENT Right photo: Immediately deleted & forgotten about.point 49 | Both photos unedited & seconds between them.point 91 | I do so many of these but this one is my scariest & most exposing so far.point 152 |
ADVERTISEMENT I was going through my recently deleted folder ready to 'delete all' but saw the right photo & recovered it.point 101 |
ADVERTISEMENT I felt this sense of guilt that I'd deleted it & posted the left one.point 63 | A year ago I would've been left feeling so unhappy by how I look on the right & deleted it forever like it never happened but it was a huge reminder for me today that Instagram can be such a 'perfection trap'.point 247 |
ADVERTISEMENT I'm clearly super happy in the right one after @brontekingg had cracked a hilarious joke, I don't hate it but the lighting isn't 'flattering' nor is the way I'm holding my body or the angle of it but it's ME.point 197 |
ADVERTISEMENT Both of the photos are me ?? I am proud of how I feel about my body looking at these photos.point 72 | I feel like I look healthy in both & look after myself but also live without controlling myself like I have done in the past.point 177 |
ADVERTISEMENT So your Monday Motivation all the way from Singapore: People post the best photo out of a bunch taken… I know it's said a lot these days but it helps me a huge amount too.point 147 |
ADVERTISEMENT If you see a photo of yourself in 'bad' lighting or an 'unflattering angle' just remind yourself how beautiful you are & that you're ALLOWED to look like that.point 155 |
ADVERTISEMENT We were not made to be Barbie dolls who LOOK insanely good 24/7, we were made to be humans who FEEL insanely good 24/7 ?point 96 | 1
A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on
View this post on Instagram‘GOALS’ – a term we see errrryday on this Instagram thaang ??♀️ It’s amazing how different my goals are to a few years ago.point 408 |
ADVERTISEMENT All I cared about was being the leanest I could be, never missing a gym session, sticking to a ‘meal plan’ that took all the love out of food & … these are NOT ‘life goals’, these are restrictive & no fun ??♀️ – I would never ever of been brave enough to put the right photo up back then but your gal has changed… my main goal now is to be as happpy as I can possibly be & that means feeling as comfortable as I can be in my own skin.point 373 |
ADVERTISEMENT I was about to film a little video about my skin this afternoon (that red lil’ cheek!), I looked down & saw my tummy.point 98 | I would’ve been disgusted a few years ago & would’ve put a top on to cover it up, but I gave it a little jiggle & smiled.point 201 |
ADVERTISEMENT It may not look like the left (which was only a few months ago) but I really couldn’t care less.point 77 | I’ve said this before but my happiest times in life have been with my family, with my bestfriends, with Mat, none of them have been about my body or how I look.point 206 |
ADVERTISEMENT So tonight, have a think & write down a few of your favourite memories & remember how amazing you felt in those moments.point 106 |
ADVERTISEMENT Live to make more of those & stop wasting time looking at that Instagram profile thinking they’re ‘goals’ ❤️??point 96 | 1
A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on
View this post on Instagram“BOOTY GOALS” ? “OH MY GOD I WANT YOUR BUM”… you see these kinda comments all over your newsfeed, but would you see those kinda comments on the right photo?! ??♀️ Neither of these photos are edited or photoshopped, same bottom just 2 completely different angles.point 548 |
ADVERTISEMENT Are you hooked on growing your peach to look like your favourite instagram girl? Have you ever thought maybe they have what I’ve got on the right: the dimples, the uneven cheeks, the bit I like to call the “second booty” (that bit underneath your bottom).point 210 |
ADVERTISEMENT I used to be extremely conscious of the back of my legs & if anyone was walking behind me whilst I was in swimwear I’d cover my booty & my legs because I was so embarrassed.point 146 |
ADVERTISEMENT I still find it a little bit scary sharing the right photo but I’m in my happy place, stuffing myself with popcorn! ? & if it helps at least one of you to realise it’s OKAY to have imperfections then it was worth me pooing my pants a little.point 197 |
ADVERTISEMENT So next time you look in the mirror & see something similar to the right photo, just have a little word with yourself, I gat it too gurlll.point 116 |
ADVERTISEMENT You’re not alone ??♀️?❤️?point 23 | 1
A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on
View this post on InstagramSPREADING BODY POSITIVITY LIKE PEANUT BUTTERRR ? have a little swipe right ➡️ For those of you who haven’t seen these, I hope they help you.point 387 |
ADVERTISEMENT For those of you who have seen these, tag a friend in who needs a bit of support ?? (Captions are on the original posts, just have a little scroll down)point 122 | 1
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ADVERTISEMENT 人生で1番やせていた時、トレーニングをしまくり、食事の量も少しにしていた時でさえ、私は体を隠していたかった。なぜならその体は私にとって『完ぺき』でなかったから。
ADVERTISEMENT 私たちは24時間365日、とんでもなく美しいバービー人形のようになるために作られたんじゃない。私たちは『人間』になるために作られたの。そして24時間365日、とてつもなくいい気分でいることを認められるべきなのよ。
ADVERTISEMENT View this post on InstagramIf we changed our body for every troll, listened to every cyber bully, we would be monsters.point 348 |
ADVERTISEMENT Whether you have 23 followers or 3 million, NO ONE should have to deal with regular hate online.point 79 | Watch my highlighted stories to see how my body ended up looking like this • #TrollingIsUgly not you ❤️??point 166 | 1
ADVERTISEMENT A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on