「We the people Okinawa」で検索してみて。美しい沖縄の埋め立てをみんなの声が集まれば、止めることができるかもしれないの。
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT Logging, raising excess cattle, Beef,the overproduction of vegetable oil and paper pulp, etc.
are the main causes, and in the past 20 years 80% of the habitat of orangutans has been destroyed.ADVERTISEMENT It also means that when one species becomes extinct it doesn't stop there- it triggers a chain reaction where the species that were reliant upon that species and have symbiotic relationships with it also tend to go extinct.
ADVERTISEMENT Furthermore, the decline of the tropical rainforests will cause massive weather fluctuations and affects immeasurable lives and industries- in various fields such as agriculture and cause water shortages.
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT That oxygen was not originally contained in the air of the earth, but plants have produced through photosynthesis over a very long time (3 billion years).
ADVERTISEMENT 50% to 80% of the species on the earth live in forests, and there are many creatures that are not known yet.
The forest is now disappearing with tremendous momentum–Every minute, 60 soccer fields worth of forests are disappearing from this planet.ADVERTISEMENT This equates to the size of New York City every day, and the size of Italy in one year.
The pace of deforestation is increasing every year, and at this pace, in 100 years time, all forests will have been erased from the face of our earth.ADVERTISEMENT Japan is the third highest consumer in the world of wood and has become the country that outputs the most garbage in the world.
ADVERTISEMENT We have to change our ways–quit using disposable chopsticks, use reusable shopping bags, eat less beaf,refuse excessive packaging, use recycled tissues and paper! Now is the time for change!
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT There's a lot of sad feelings and actions I just can't forgive on my mind as well.
Therefor, I've made a $100,000 donation to UNICEF, because I really believe they're working to improve these conditions that really need to change.ADVERTISEMENT It's still not nearly enough, though.
I've been thinking lately, "What is my purpose in life?" and "What do I have to accomplish during my time here?" and I've decided to follow my heart from this point forward.ADVERTISEMENT No lies, finding ways to make people happy and save our planet are the things I've made up my mind to put my energy into.
ADVERTISEMENT I've gotta try my best!
com/p/BijUbbegVOj/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">いまプラスチックの環境問題は深刻になってきていて、2015年から2025年までの間に約3倍の量に増えて、2050年までには海にいる魚達よりもプラスチックの重量のほうが重くなると言われているの。 信じられない.
。イギリスではもう使い捨てプラスチックを使った製品の販売を禁止するの。イギリスだけではなく、日本も、世界中がこの法律になりますように。 レジ袋を使わずにエコバッグにしたり、プラスチックのペットボトルはなるだけ使わないようにするかちゃんとリサイクルにしたり、1人1人の意識でものすごく変わっていくしみんなで地球をまもっていこう?? Plastic waste has become a serious environmental problem.ADVERTISEMENT The amount of plastic waste in the ocean will increase three times between 2015 and 2025, and by 2050 the weight of plastic in the ocean will be higher than the weight of fish in the sea.
ADVERTISEMENT In the UK, the use of disposable plastic has already been prohibited.
We hope that this type of law will be passed all over the world, not only in the UK.ADVERTISEMENT We can make a huge positive change from consciencous living by everyone!We must protect the earth; it's the only one we have! #SaveTheEarth